The Sweatshop
Haitjema Beekman, Merina Beekman, Gerard van den Berg, Antoine Berghs, Merijn Bolink, Moritz Ebinger, Peter Fengler, Martin Fenne, Markx Fenne, Bart Hendriks, Lidy Jacobs, Guda Koster, Pieter Kusters, Johan Lammerink, Itie Langeland, Gosse van der Leij, Linda Maissan, Nils Mhlenbruch, Serge Onnen, Paul de Reus, Petra van der Steen, Elizabeth de Vaal, hpmbJingling tills, fitting rooms, clothes racks, helpful shop assistants, cardigans, trousers, lingerie, winter coats, glossy photos, shop-window dummies, and mirrors, mirrors, mirrors... The front gallery with display window on the street side is temporarily transformed into a luxurious clothes shop.

For this exhibition, some 20 artists working in various disciplines have been invited to make unique, wearable clothes, based on their own personal vision. The Sweatshop will function as a regular well-run clothes shop: clothes can be tried on in fitting rooms and looked at in mirrors (does this make me look too fat?), there will be contact with shop assistants (have you got this in a smaller size?), and of course, the possibility to buy a unique, wearable, and affordable product. From suicide shoes and transparent men's suits to hats that can be transformed into sleeping bags.
In short: there is something for everyone, an exhibition of ingenious visions on how different clothes could be, and at democratic prices.