Alien Love Call
Ronald Cornelissen, Arnold MosselmanHalfway through the Bar Amotz show and after Sean Dower's presentation, the front space will be given over to the incidental artist's duo Ronald Cornelissen and Arnold Mosselman.

The work won't be shown as much as performed - imagine the front space as a theatre without a stage. The décor occupies most of the space. Texts hang from the walls. A cardboard Mount Everest slides into the space through the window. A fake ceiling gradually collapses earthwards, hanging like an echo in the air above the quaking cardboard earth.
This cartoon landscape is the leading lady, shoving the rest of the décor (that seems suggestive of an interior) with its back to the wall. The landscape descends like an alien. The numerous narrative strands of image, text and photos don't cohere so easily at first.
We're left asking questions. What's a transsexual doing in a book-lined room? How does the title of the collection of short stories from the hand of recently deceased finger-picking guitarist John Fahey "How Bluegrass Music Destroyed my Life" relate to this multi-sexual? What's the link between deep-sea creatures and UFOs and a cupboard full of papier-maché stones? And do the photos of mountains plastered onto a bed represent a frame of mind? "Praxis" seems a response to "No More Art!".
While "Theorie für Alle" discloses ideas about the perfect artwork. These last titles are large, copied texts written by Henry Flynt, the philosopher involved in Fluxus whose CD "graduation and other new country and blues music" was recently released - a fusion of bluegrass fiddle and drone music. The material is low -tech and the narrative sculptures UnCOOL.