Audio Pathological
Sean DowerDower works with video, sound, music and photography, blending his chosen media into a story that is more an epic rendition.

Audiopathological shows 5 new 'sound videos' where music is given equal prominence as the image. Think 'good music video' not 'art video'.
'I want to dance' is a song he wrote with Georgina Starr and Charles Gaines. The image shows the fragmented reflections of a disco ball. 'The music in trees' uses the soundtrack of a found cassette tape - the sort often seen fluttering from branches. The third DVD is of a Beasty Boys-type action film with Reagan, Carter and a helium balloon in a Ford Sierra in the starring role. Are they bankrobbers in masks? Or is it just a bad-guy western with a hilarious Ronnie and Jimmy?
In the next video, the soundtrack sets off a series of images in the viewer's imagination. We're suddenly bang in the centre of a thrashing hurricane, waiting it out in a taxi in Sao Paolo. In 'Ipanema en suite', the artist produces the most amazing sounds from a hotel bathroom.
The DVDs will be screened in a space specially created for maximum concentration in the front space.