We Will Never Know For Sure
Jouke Anema, Arnar Asgeirsson, Steven Bos, Dirk Comello, Styrmir Gudmundsson, Jolien Hassel van, Jin Jing, Marieke de Jong, Laurens Karsten, Sil Krol, Salome Lamas, Susan Lanting, Tamara van der Leek, Christina Li, Yael Messer, Tom Milnes, Nicole O'Niel, Suzanne Ophof, Eva Marie Rodbro, Wouter van Schaik, Janina Schipper, Ina Marie Schmidt, Edwin Stolk, Samantha Thole, Barbara Thomsen, Manon van Trier, Maki Umehara, Jetske Verhoeven, Sander van Wettum, Riet Wijnen, Kirsten Wilmink, Marjolijn ZwakmanStudents of the Sandberg Institute in W139
Curatorial advice by Christina Li and Yael Messer

The official opening of the project is 18-03-2011 at 7 pm.
Advised by the young curators Christina Li and Yael Messer, the students will host a three-week long happening with an exhibition opening every three days accompanied with a program of evening events forming a larger project. Sandberg student Marieke de Jong’s spatial structure at W139 will encompass the relocation of Sandberg’s daily activities and the display of student work, opening up a common ground of interaction between peers, colleagues and the public. The title, taken from a work by Sandberg student Riet Wijnen, suddenly doesn’t seem shy at all, but rather like a big promise.
Evening Program
During the project there be will an evening program with lectures and performances in order to generate interaction between artists, students and the public.
Open daily from 12 am to 10 pm. All openings, presentation lectures 7 pm to 8.30 pm
Friday 18.03.2011
Opening of the exhibition by Salome Lamas, Edwin Stolk, Marjolijn Zwakman, Riet Wijnenand Arnar Asgeirsson.
Saturday 19.03.2011
Ad de Jong, artist and co-founder W139, will have an artist talk with five Sandberg students.
Tuesday 22.03.2011
Opening of the exhibition by Jin Jing, Dirk Comello, Kirsten Wilmink, Suzanne Ophof and Jouke Anema.Alex de Vries, Writer, critic and head of the Fine art department at the Sandberg will interviewthe curators, Christina Li (BAK) and Yael Messer (SKOR) about the realization and thedevelopment of the “We will never know for sure” exhibition.
Friday 25.03.2011
Opening of the exhibition by Barabara Thomsen, Eva Marie Rodbro, Jolien van HasselWouter van Schaik and Maki Umehara.Lucette ter Borg, writer, critic and tutor will have an artist talk with five Sandberg students.
Monday 28.03.2011
Opening of the exhibition by Tom Milnes, Sil Krol, Tamara van der Leek and Manon van Trier. Xander Karskens, curator of museum De Hallen, Haarlem and maintutor at the SandbergInstitute, will have an artist talk with five Sandberg students.
Tueday 29.03.2011
Jonas Staal, visual artist and writer of Post-Propaganda, will debat with Raymond van den Boogaard, chief art by NRC Handelsblad, about the “Angry” boycott at the Photo museum Den Haag.
Wednesday 30.03.2011
Opening of the exhibition by Steven Bos en Susan Lanting, Styrmir Gudmundsson, SamanthaThole and Janina Schipper.Bart Rutten, conservator of the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam and guestteacher at theSandberg Institute, will have an artist talk with five Sandberg students.
Friday 01.04.2011
Opening of the exhibition by Laurens Karsten, Nicole O’Niel, Ina Marie Schmidt, JetskeVerhoeven and Sander van Wettum.Lucette ter Borg will give a lecture about performance art. Afterwards two performances,Marjolijn Zwakman - “Perception” and Pieter van den Bosch - “ Minimal damage”. Followed bya short interview by Lucette ter Borg
You can follow the students at their weblog
Made possible by: Sandberg Instituut and Hoax