Wasteland-Disco-Squad edition #1
Werfkade, next to NDSM

Wasteland Twinning hijacks the concept of ‘City Twinning’ and applies it to urban Wastelands in order to generate a network for parallel research and action. By subverting a concept which aims to parade a city’s more predictable and mainstream cultural assets and shifting the focus to Wastelands, questions of value and function will be raised. From these questions, new practices will be developed. Wasteland Twinning aims to develop an understanding of the potential of these sites through cross-disciplinary models of practice.
W139 is going outskirts. Temporarily, everything fixed will become mobile, everything static will be flexible. Join us for a nomadic Wasteland-ride and enjoy the open air program that W139 has prepared for you!
On Sunday the 24th of June, the walls will finally tumble down to open up a view onto the IJ-Canal from Amsterdam North’s Werfkade, and the transitional Wasteland that adjoins it.
The ‘low-fied,’ One-Night Parasite will bring you the following:
RG Faleiros, participants of W139’s by then opened show “GOLD,” will perform an energetic live set.
Ehsan Fardjadniya’s will present ‘Pirate Cinema,’ a ‘four-cycled’ catalyst for engaged art, street politics, and people’s empowerment; an open platform for collaborations and interactions: in piratic style, up to three people pedal backwards to move forwards, and pedal forwards to charge screening-, and sound-systems.
Dompteur Jef will bring his rats and make them jump through rings of fire.
Spilt Milk, a cover-band for funerals and cremations, will intone poems from the dead poets’ almanac.
Katía will present the brand-new songs of the yet unreleased Summer-EP for the first time ever.
As Port of Call, one-man-army-multi-instrumentalist Pieter van Vliet will whisper, shout, and sing what he calls ‘kleine liedjes.’
Theatermaker Alexander Nieuwenhuis will provide sustainable facilities that run on solar energy: 0co2 – Zero Carbon Dioxide. Maybe he will also perform – in Dutch though…
Check also: wastelanddiscosquad.nl