LUCY 2012
Torfi Fannar Gunnarsson, Susan Kooi
Torfi Fannar Gunnarsson (IS) & Susan Kooi (NL) present LUCY 2012
In November 1974, a group of geologists, anthropologists, archaeologists and paleontoligists, looked for fossils in the Hedar Formation in Ethiopia. One morning they discovered some bones which came from one individual early hominid. In the camp the Beatles song ‘lucy in the sky with diamonds’ was being played loudly and repeatedly on a tape recorder. The fossil which was until then named AL 288-1, a female australopithecus afarensis that lived 3.2 million years ago, was therefore nicknamed Lucy.
The installation consist of Susan's woven piece 'australopithecus' and Torfi's abstract knitted textile with the addition of a woolly carpet stretched on a painted frame. The works deals with the past, present and future with references to pop culture, science and existentialism. The delicious absurdity of human existence.
Susan Kooi (NL) & Torfi Fannar Gunnarsson (IS)
'Torfi Fannar Gunnarsson and Susan Kooi just graduated from the audiovisual department of the rietveld academy. Both stepped aside from the film orientated practice, towards a more tactile approach. Torfi ended up making a fashion collecion, and susan with a sci-fi to touch installation. '