23 Feb – 14 Apr 2013


Geirthrudur Finnbogadottir Hjorvar, Brian McKenna, Ruchama Noorda, Gijsbert Wouter Wahl
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Photo: Henni van Beek
Photo: Henni van Beek
Photo: Henni van Beek
Photo: Henni van Beek

As CIVIC VIRTUE returns home to Amsterdam after their Grand Tour across Europe, they bring with them the evidence and insights of their recent coming-of-age journey. Through the digestive-tracts of history, they have worked their way down to the forgotten sewers and plumbing of social unconsciousness. These networks and vessels, our collective circuitry of ingesting and digesting, will become the means by which a new Temple of Virtues may be excavated. ”Sous les pavés la plomberie!”

As a collective, CIVIC VIRTUE formed in 2010 around a shared interest in social communities, their organizational structures, and their symbols of power and virtue. Its core members Geirthrudur Finnbogadottir Hjorvar, Ruchama Noorda, Gijsbert Wouter Wahl, and Brian McKenna, draw upon the continually re-emerging symbolism and allegories of specific historico-political moments for rumination and recuperation of the call to virtue in contemporary society. It is an aesthetic experiment positioned at the crux of revolt and revival, renewal and conservation.

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