Thursday 11 Apr 2013, 19h00


Bernd Trasberger

Book launch 19:00

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Bernd Trasberger deals with the transformation of urban space in his sculptural works, installations and collages. The utopias of post-war modernism form an important reference point in the artist’s work. By appropriating and recycling architectural fragments and relocating them, Trasberger examines the value we place on this disappearing habitat and the legacy of modernism and the place it occupies today.

“Neuzeit” provides the first-ever overview of the work created by Trasberger between 2000 and 2012.

edited by
Susanne Köhler and Barbara-Brigitte Mak

Jule Reuter

interview by
Ludwig Engel (futurologist) with Bernd Trasberger

graphic design
Carolin Jap Lim, Kurz Gestaltung, Berlin
ISBN: 978-3-86678-773-5
Format: 17,00 × 24,00 cm
Pages: 112
Illustrations: 174 colored and 4 b/w illustrations
Cover: Hardcover, bound
Languages: German | English
Price: 26,50 €