Idiotic Code: Vinay Gupta, Adrienne Maree Brown, Renick Bell
Presentation-meditation with Vinay Gupta, Skype performance Adrienne Maree Brown, remote live performance by Renick Bell
Wednesday 21 October 2015, 8 PM
W139, Warmoesstraat 139, 1012 JB, Amsterdam
- Dinner will be served at 7 PM, costs € 5,- and reservation is required via -
From 8 PM
Renick Bell
Remote live performance
Adrienne Maree Brown
Adrienne Maree Brown will host a Skype presentation that focuses on author Octavia Butler's work and ways to apply emergent strategies to take ownership of the future, to be leaders – as artists, as philosophers, as collectives, as empaths.
Adrienne is a writer, science fiction scholar, facilitator and artist living in Detroit. After years of social justice facilitation, she is convinced that speculative fiction is one way to envision futures that generate individual and community transformation. Adrienne is the coeditor of Octavia’s Brood: Science Fiction from Social Justice Movements (2015).
Vinay Gupta
The presentation-meditation of Vinay Gupta gives an unconventional look at the global history and human technologies, the step from databases to network logic, (decentralized) techno-social systems, future scenarios and how ideas of spirituality intersect with modern science.
Vinay is a thinker on the history and philosophy of technology, humanitarian assistance, disaster prevention and the management of global systems risks; designer of the Hexayurt (an open-source refugee shelter design) and is part of Ethereum, a decentralised framework for user-created smart contracts based on block chain technology. He is the author of the sci-fi novel Mother of Hydrogen (self-published), and editor of The Future We Deserve (2012).