16 Jul – 3 Aug 2003

Cross Tree

Galerija Nova

While W139 is temporarily hosted by the Flemish cultural centre De Brakke Grond, where the exhibition Do not trespass is on view till the 24th of August, the gallery at the Warmoesstraat 139 is 'annexated' by the Kroation Galerija Nova.

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Their 'take-over' of W139 was initiated with the exhibition Cross Tree, which is simultaneously on view in their homebase Zagreb. In the framework of this exhibition the artists Ana Husman and Ana Seric, who are often confounded with each other, have constructed an imaginary family tree. They thus indirectly refer to the 'dislocation' and 'mutated identity' of W139, which is being transformed into a nomadic exhibition space during the renovationperiod which will start in winter 2003.