Sunday 21 Feb 2016

Yoga class, 21st of February, 18:30 - 23:00

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at Gym of Obsolete Technology

A moment to re-align your nodes and re-solder missed connection.

Join us for:

  • Technological Decompression
    from 18:30 - 19:30 h - a yoga class and synth accompaniment. Be at peace with the cumbersome framework of the body and the coming cybernetic future... (Please bring your own yoga mat if you have one)

  • Live performance
    from BARTIRA, hacking and cracking her way through found analog technologies to create sound and musical possibilities. Bartira explores the agencies implicated in digital media culture, relationships between e-waste and African soil, performance dynamics in mass production lines where these technologies are produced, and the artistic and performative qualities of everyday use of technology and media.

YOGA Digital Decompression DETAILS

Conducted by artist (and yoga practitioner) Annika Kappner : To participate, simply join us at 18:30. Please come on time so as not to interrupt the flow of the session...

First some very simple exercises for our weary bodies, that can be done by anyone at any time, also during the day behind any form of digital device.
Followed by equally simple yet very effective pranayama (breathing exercises) to reconnect our overstimulated brains to our bodies.
A brief relaxation to get back in touch with mother earth and ourselves, and a short meditation to learn to focus, since concentration is key to creativity, especially in times of over-stimulation.
Hence easy and simple, accessible for anybody. Those who have trouble sitting straight on the floor can sit on chairs for the breathing and meditation. For those who prefer to sit on their mats it’s good to bring a cushion or blanket that can be folded to sit on.