Juliette Bonneviot, Charles Broskoski, Harm van den Dorpel, Martijn Hendriks, Joel Holmberg, Marlie MulCurated by Harm van den Dorpel. W139 presents a group exhibition of an international group of young artists whose three-dimensional work is founded in media art or Internet culture, or whose practice involves using software. For this exhibition, the Amsterdam based artist Harm van den Dorpel brought together these artists in the backspace of W139.

The artists express a rediscovered enthusiasm for delving into the intrinsic and formal parameters of the art object: size, material, colour, shape, composition, etc. The prevailing art historical realisation that these themes are the subject of countless strategies does not lead to a self-defeating cynicism. However, the artists assume that acquired insights on this fundamental level will in turn be invaluable in grasping our complex, changing world, its images, theoretical discourses and media spectacles. The artwork does not always need to derive its legitimacy from a hermetic concept nor from demonstrable engagement; the process of making is itself a subject well worth investigating. There is no reason for omitting that which sets art apart from other activities.
You can follow the process involved in the exhibition on the artists’ blog
also listen to: Red light radio