W139 presents On Fresh Soil
Andreas R Andersson, Jabu Arnell, André Avelãs, Elke Baggen, Dovilė Bernadišiūtė, Kaleb de Groot, Benjamin Roth, Anami Schrijvers, Daniel Caleb Thomson, Merce WouthuysenComposed by Susan Kooi, Zoro Feigl, Sajoscha Talirz en Kaleb de Groot
Opening Friday 28 June 20:00

Photo's by Henni van Beek.
For the last six weeks, W139 has been a workplace for ten artists who used the old asphalt floor of the project space as construction material for new artworks. 30,000 tons of asphalt was transformed into an exhibition that explored the potentials of the material in all kinds of ways.
Each of the works will soon travel to a new location. The installation of Anami Schrijvers will go to the Service Garage, the video by Mercé Wouthuysen is destined for artists’ cooperative Diepenheim, the jacket by Dovile Bernadisiute will be presented at the graduation exhibition of the Rietveld Academie and, in consultation with the former directors of W139, a new home will be found for each section of the wall relief by Kaleb de Groot.
Before the works set off on their respective journeys, you can still see them at W139 on a stripped-back floor of left-over asphalt and denuded concrete.
Please join us for the opening of On Fresh Soil on 28 June with music and, of course, our special Asphalt Cocktails.
The Thursday evenings with food, road movies, screenings and performances, hosted by one of the participating artists and other participants, will also continue throughout the exhibition period. Check our Facebook page for the latest events, or drop in any time after 6 p.m.
For more information, follow us on Facebook and listen to W139 radio.
Read about On Fresh Soil on the MoMA website here.