Ideology Meets Implementation
Mojtaba Amini, Vasily Bogatov, Ehsan Fardjadinia, Barbad Golshiri, Yoeri Guepin, Joseph Hughes, Mehregan Kazemi, Dimitra Kondylatou, Taisiya Krugovykh, David Maroto, Pendar Nabipour, Mojtaba Tabatabaie, belit sağ, Dorine van Meel

pictures by Chun-Han Chiang
The world has been stuck in a suspended era for far too long. The ideological systems that pervade our societies are still rooted in (Western) notions such as post-modernism, post-colonialism, post-marxism, post-democratism – a veritable era of postponement in which we willingly delay needed changes. We all know what is wrong, but often choose to look away. Whilst complaining about the way in which “things are organized”, we fail to engage in organizing things ourselves, under our own conditions. A state of collective neglect.
How can we break through this era of postponement? How significant are our individual roles on a systemic scale? Are we a direct product of the ideologies that infuse our social environment, or are we wired to react against them? Is it possible to identify the ideological system in which each of us lives, in order to find glitches that can be exploited to emphasize its internal contradictions? How can we be sure that the system is not going to reabsorb any critical action initially intended to undermine it? And most importantly, how can we coexist in such a community?
Ideology Meets Implementation shows how ideological systems actually function when they are put into practice. Ideological systems are implemented by agencies such as national governments, and often remain invisible to those who live under their rule. Ideologies are based on ideas that crystallise in norms that dictate the political and cultural principles in a given society. However, their theoretical frameworks often meet a sharp contrast with the concrete realities of their implementation in daily life.
For this exhibition, we have formed a group of international artists and activists who criticise and question current ideologies through a wide range of media and interdisciplinary practices. The works address the power structures that are at play within the societies in which we live. One powerful example is works that zoom in on the way in which governments and media deploy language in order to enforce discipline and define us. These works examine the ways in which the state exercises its power to control our movement, especially in the realm of those of us who try to cross its borders, as well as the means by which the state physically and mentally disables us in order to implement control and censorship.
Ideology Meets Implementation also hosts the Non-Fascist House: a stage for self-organized life running throughout the exhibition with performances, debates, reading groups, lectures and screenings. It focuses on the historical and present-day forms of fascism, as well as anti-fascist movements, specifically islamophobia and racism in the context of the Netherlands, on art/activism in Russia and LGBTQ rights in Western Asia and North Africa.
The exhibition Ideology Meets Implementation is a space for exchange and a means of actively blurring conventional distinctions between activist and artist, artwork and event, audience and participant.
We kindly invite you to share this experience of dialogue and coexistence with us.
Opening, Friday 13th of October
20:00 Exhibition Opening
21:00 Opening Address by Pendar Nabipour
22:00 The Distribution of the Sacred System by Barbad Golshiri
23:15 “Round Heads and Pointed Heads” performance at Stage for Tragedy | Scene one - “Crisis in the Land of JAHA”, “Rise of IBERIN” and “Allegation of the Lord of Boxes”
Public Program
imi-public-programme-schedule.pdf (1.14 MB)
Saturday 21st of October 15:00-18:00
Open Source Government by Pendar Nabipour
Saturday 28th of October 18:00 - 22:00
Empathy Tournament by David Maroto
“Round Heads and Pointed Heads”
Friday 13th of October 23:15
Scene one: “Crisis in the Land of JAHA”, “Rise of IBERIN” and “Allegation of the Lord of Boxes”
Saturday 4th of November 19:30
Saturday 11th of November 19:30
Saturday 18th of November 19:30
Final Scene: “Living Death March”, “Deportations” and “The Land of JAHA’s Future”
Sunday 15th of October 18:30-22:00
Screening I : Russian Actionism and Prison System with programmer Taisiya Krugovykh & Vasily Bogatov
Sunday 22nd of October 18:30-22:00
Screening II : LGBTQI+ in West-South Asia & North Africa with programmer Sophie Hoyle
Sunday 29th of October 18:30-22:00
Screening III : Monument in Flux with programmer Amirali Ghassemi
Sunday 5th of November 18:30-22:00
Screening IV: How to talk about “WE” with programmer belit sağ
Sunday 12th of November 18:30-22:00
Thursday 2nd of November 19:00-21:00
Public Reading Group: Muslim Feminist Perspectives by Alina Jabbari
Thursday 9th of November 19:30
Thursday 16th of November 19:30
Conversation circle: Decolonizing the Globalized Dutch Art Institution
Sunday 19th of November 19:30
Public discussion: “How to carry on the “Non-Fascist House”
The project is made possible through financial support from the Amsterdams fonds voor de kunst, Mondriaan Fund, and CBK Rotterdam.