Saturday 7 Nov 2015

Idiotic Code: Marthe Van Dessel

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Workshop with Marthe Van Dessel, bolwerK

Atelier de Resistive Ribbons
Saturday 7 November 2015, 5-8 PM
The Side Room

A resistive ribbon is a tactile and multi-handed user-interface developed by J. Taelman, the creature behind Axoloti. In an evening, we combine a box, your old magnetic videotape and copper with some speculative introduction in basic electronics. By creating a potentiometer with conductive contact, we get aware of the socio-political implications of technology and our resistances.

Marthe Van Dessel

is an activist and performer who creates interfaces, devices & protocols to instigate our urban and institutional hardware & software. She engages in the administrative, cultural, socio-political dimension of personal and collective identities. By triggering intersubjective alliances she confronts the 'self & other' to the commons, co-authorship and the redistribution into the public domain.


is a non-exclusive and temporal constellation that has been initiating, mediating, facilitating, curating and appropriating local and international projects since 1998. Social environments are created, not for streamlining ideas, but in order to formulate shared/common questions and hence feed a sense of communality.