30 Aug – 30 Sep 2017

Open Call performance during exhibition

Ideology meets Implementation

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pictures "Stage for Tragedy" at "Post-Peace" exhibition Wuttembergische Kunstverein Stuttgart 2017.


Ehsan Fardjadniya is looking for performers who want to join his interpretation of Brecht's "Round Head and Pointed Head" at W139 in Amsterdam. The first scene of the performance will take place on the 13th of October during the opening night of the exhibition “Ideology Meets Implementation”, (October 13th - November 19th 2017). The next scenes will be performed on following Saturdays. We are looking for performers to join a group of ten or more.

Download the PDF to find out more:

opencall-ideologymeetsimplementation.pdf (68 KB)


Performers with intermediate experience that enjoy collaborative work, participatory games and plots, and are interested in topics such as social structures of inclusion/exclusion. Much of the performance will consist of close verbal and physical interaction with the public as well as participation in choreography, reading and brainstorming sessions. If you don’t have much experience with performance but are still interested, don’t hesitate to apply, as there are multiple roles with diverse levels of interaction.


An introduction and important scene of the performance will take place on October 13th, 2017. Rehearsals will be about four to five days for more extensive roles and about four to six hours for other roles. The dates of the rehearsals will take place approximately two weeks before October 13th. For the rest of Saturdays, rehearsals will happen during the prior weeks.


Please reply with basic information about yourself. This can include a short text, poem, quote or any other sort of writing that tells something about you and your motivation, whether art-related or not.

*There will be remuneration for the performers

Please send your application to opencallw139@ehsancritique.com with subject line “open call performance Ideology meets Implementation”, addressed to Ehsan Fardjadniya. You can apply until the 30th of September 2017.

Thank you and we are looking forward to your reply!